- Latest Stock — 386
- Reclaimed Building Materials — 44
- Doors — 15
- Columns, Pillars & Stantions — 10
- Chimneypieces & Fireplaces — 15
- Flooring — 40
- Garden — 250
- Furniture — 182
- Ironmongery — 147
- Lighting — 32
- Kitchen — 45
- WIndows & Glass — 2
- Sold Archive — 205
- Bathroom & Sanitaryware — 19
- Radiators — 0
- Panelling — 0
- 1680
- 1694 oak press
- 17th century
- 17thC
- 1818 sundial
- 1860s
- 1870
- 1880
- 1880-1900
- 18th century
- 18th century table
- 18thC
- 1948
- 19th century
- 19th century archway
- 19th century lead
- 19th century mirror
- 19th century pole screen
- 19th century sofa
- 19th century table
- 19th century washstand
- 19thC
- 20th century
- 6 columns
- 6 dining chairs
- 6 drawers
- 6 panel
- A
- A pair of Regency dining chairs
- Acanthus
- Accessories
- Adam style
- aesthetic movement
- Aesthetic movement style
- andirons
- Angel Statue
- Anglo Indian table
- antique
- antique andirons
- antique arm chair
- antique armchair
- antique ball fiials
- antique balustrade
- antique basin
- antique bobbin chair
- antique campaign table
- antique candle sticks
- antique capitals
- antique cast iron doors
- antique chair
- antique chairs
- antique chest
- antique chest of drawers
- antique chinese plate
- antique church furniture
- antique clock
- antique coaching table
- antique columns
- antique cupboard
- antique decoy duck
- antique dining chairs
- antique doors
- antique dough bin
- antique drawers
- antique dresser
- antique duck
- antique fender
- antique fire dogs
- antique fire surround
- antique floor
- antique floorboards
- antique flooring
- antique furniture
- antique garden
- antique garden ornament
- antique gates
- antique hall bench
- antique iron dogs
- antique lamp
- antique lead
- antique linen press
- antique mirror
- antique oak
- antique oil painting
- antique pier caps
- antique pine
- antique plate
- antique plinths
- antique recliner
- antique side table
- antique sink
- antique slate
- antique slate sundial
- antique sofa
- antique stands
- antique stone
- antique stone balls
- antique stool
- antique sundial
- antique table
- antique tea table
- antique trough
- antique urn
- antique urns
- antique vase holders
- antique washstand
- antique wooden duck
- antique work table
- antiqued ceramic
- antiqued lead
- antiques
- Antiques & Reclamation
- Antlers
- Architectural
- archivist card
- armchair
- armchair for reupholstery
- art deco
- arts
- Arts & Crafts Reclining Armchair
- arts and crafts
- arts and crafts chair
- baize covered slide
- ball finial
- balls
- balsarwood
- baluster stem
- balustrade
- bar
- bar props
- barrow columns
- barrow pillars
- basin
- basket
- Bath
- Bathroom
- bathstone
- beaded embroidered fabric
- beaded fabric
- beaten copper
- beeswax
- Bell
- Bench
- bench ends
- bib tap
- Bird
- Birdbath
- birdseye cupboard
- birdseye maple pot cupboard
- blacksmith
- blue and white plate
- blue and white porcelain
- blue jar
- Boar
- boar motif
- board
- boards
- bobbin chair
- Bolt
- bone escutcheon
- bookcase
- bookshelves
- Boy
- braided
- brass
- brass andirons
- brass carrying handles
- brass castors
- brass face clock
- brass fender
- brass finials
- brass fire dogs
- brass handles
- breadboard ends
- breakfront linen press
- bricks
- Brienz
- Bromsgrove guild
- bronze gnomon
- brown furniture
- building
- Building Materials
- bulb
- Burmese table
- C.1790-1800
- Cabinet
- cabriole legs
- cafe tables
- campaign chest
- campaign sofa
- campaign table
- campana
- camphor wood chest
- candelabra
- candle
- candle sticks
- Candlestick
- canted square backs
- capital sundial
- carpet upholstery
- Cart
- carved
- carved hardwood
- carved oak
- carved oak sideboard
- carved red sandstone
- carved rosette bullseyes
- carved sandstone balls
- carved stone
- carver seats
- cased model
- cased temple
- caslloped edge
- Cast Iron
- cast iron balustrade
- cast iron doors
- cast iron fire dogs
- cast iron pillars
- cast iron urn
- cast iron victorian
- catholic bishop
- CBDale
- Chair
- chairs
- chamfered legs
- chandelier
- Chateau gardens
- Chatsworth
- chest
- chest of campaign drawers
- chest of drawers
- chest on stand
- Chimney Piece
- chimney pieces & fireplaces
- chinese
- chinese chairs
- Chinese Kangxi reign
- chinese lacquered table
- chinese plate
- chinese sewing
- chinese table
- chinese work table
- chinoiserie
- chinoiserie decoration
- chinoiserie lamp
- Chippendale period
- Christopher Dresser
- chrome
- circa 1770
- circa 1790
- circa 1810
- circa 1820
- circa 1840
- circa 1860
- circa 1870
- circa 1880
- circa 1890
- circa 1900
- circle cupboard
- circle mirror
- Clare & Sons
- claw and ball
- cliff
- clivede
- cliveden vase
- cloche
- clock
- club fender
- club tables
- coaching table
- coade
- coalbrookdale
- column
- Columns
- concaved sofa
- conical
- convex mirror
- Copper
- corbels
- corner chair
- corner sofa
- country chairs
- court cupboard
- cows grazing under trees
- crafts
- crossbanding
- cumbria gate
- Cupboard
- curved bench
- dairy bowl
- dairy table
- Dale Co
- deco style
- decorative
- decorative painted stands
- decoy ducks
- Deer
- demi lune
- Desk
- desk and chair
- Dining
- dining chair
- dining chairs
- dining table
- distressed paint
- Dog
- Door
- dough bin
- doulton
- downspout
- drain
- drawer
- drawers
- dresser base
- dressing chest
- dressing table mirror
- drop in seat
- dwarf linen press
- E.A Clare 7 Sons
- early
- early 19th century
- early 20th century
- early furniture
- early oak
- easy arm chair
- easy chair
- ebonised beech
- eight day
- electrical
- Elm
- empire chair
- enamel
- English Antique Wrought Iron Fire Dogs
- english garden
- English mahogany side chairs
- english oil painting
- english pine table
- English salvage
- Escutcheon
- extending table
- factory
- factory fittings
- farmhouse door
- faux bamboo
- faux bamboo washstand
- feather cushion
- film prop
- finely carved lindenwood
- finely figured pollard oak and ebony decoration
- Finial
- Fire
- fire dogs
- fire extinguisher
- fire surround
- Fireplace
- fireplace fender
- Flagstone
- flame finial
- flame stitch style cotton
- flame stitch upholstery
- flat bottom
- fleur de lys
- flew
- flex
- floorboards
- Flooring
- floral decoration
- flower planters
- fluted column
- flycatcher
- fold over mahogany top
- folding table
- foot stool
- for sale
- Ford Maddox Brown
- Ford Maddox Brown Corner Chair
- forged
- Fountain
- foxed glass
- foxed mirror glass
- Freestone
- french cafe table
- french urn
- fret cut brackets
- frmench furniture
- fruit garland swags
- Furniture
- galzed
- Garden
- garden antiques
- garden balls
- garden bench
- garden chair
- garden design
- garden designers
- garden furniture
- garden gate
- garden gates
- garden gatesreclaimed gates
- garden gatesreclaimed gatesdouble driveway gates
- garden ornament
- garden pedestrian gate
- garden planter
- garden seating
- garden trough
- garden troughs
- garden urn
- Gate
- gate capping
- gate pier
- gate tops
- gateposts
- gates
- Gazebo
- George Anderson
- George III period long case clock
- georgian
- georgian flooring
- Georgian gate
- georgian gothic
- georgian gothic satinwood
- georgian hob grate
- georgian style
- georgian table
- georgian tea table
- gifts and homeware
- gillows
- gilt mirror
- gilt pier mirror
- glass
- glass vases for stems
- glazed bricks
- glazed case
- glazed pedestal
- Godess
- gordon russell
- Gothic
- gothic blind fretwork
- gothic bobbin chair
- gothic cast iron doors
- gothic chair
- gothic decoration
- Gothic Pier Mirror
- gothic revival
- GR VI Black
- graffitied table
- grandfather clock
- green
- green leather upholstery
- green light
- green painted base
- green painted case
- green stripe fabric
- greenhouse]
- greyhound oil painting
- gun barrel turned front legs
- gun barrel turned legs
- Gun Cabinet
- gunstorage
- half gallon
- hall bench
- hand carved
- hand carved candle stick
- handcarded cow
- Handle
- Handyside Foundry
- handyside urn
- hardwood chairs
- Head
- hepplewhite dining chairs
- high back
- Hinges
- holder
- holland and sons
- holland chairs
- Hook
- hoop top gates
- horns
- Horse
- horseshoe
- hour glass grate
- Howard or Schoolbred shape
- hunting scene
- Imari Plate
- imported furniture
- Indian temple
- industrial
- inlaid decoration
- inset plates
- interior design
- interior lighting#
- internal pigeon holes
- Iron
- iron columns
- iron fire dogs
- Ironmongery
- james lamb
- James Pulham
- jardiniere stand
- John Gibson of Thetford
- jug
- Kangxi Saucer Dish
- keystone
- kitchen
- kitchen chairs
- kitchen dresser
- kitchen table
- klismos chair
- Knob
- Knocker
- lacquered
- lacquered chinoiserie decoration
- lacquered table
- Lampost
- land fender
- lantern
- laquered
- large lidded jar
- large plate
- large studio pottery
- large urns
- large wooden chest
- Latch
- late 19th century
- laundry
- lavatory seat
- lead
- lead boy
- lead figure
- lead mirror
- lead statue
- leaf handles
- leather woven seat
- leaves clasping balls
- ledge and brace
- Letterbox
- lidded compartments
- lidded jar
- lidded urn
- light
- lighting
- lighting design
- lights
- limestone trough
- lindenwood cow
- linen press
- linley
- Lion
- Lions
- Lock
- locker
- longcase clock
- low table
- Lyceum theatre
- maddox
- mahogany armchair
- mahogany cabinet
- mahogany campaign table
- mahogany chairs
- mahogany chest
- mahogany chest of drawers
- mahogany coaching table
- mahogany column
- mahogany desk
- mahogany dining chairs
- mahogany dining table
- mahogany drawer fronts
- mahogany folding table
- mahogany linen press
- mahogany loo seat
- mahogany pembroke table
- mahogany reclining armchair
- mahogany table
- mahogany tea table
- mahogany washstand
- mahogany with oak drawer linings
- mahognay
- manner of gillows
- maple frame
- maple pot
- maple pot cupboard
- Marble
- marble angel
- Marble Angel Statue
- marble flooring
- marble top
- marbled glass
- metal
- metal table
- metalwork
- milk
- ming style
- minimax
- Minton
- mirror
- model temple
- Morris & Co
- moulded drawers
- movie props
- music stand
- naive art
- naive greyhound
- naive painting
- needlepoint cushion
- needlepoint drop in seat
- neo classical
- neo gothic
- neoclassical design
- New Stock
- nickel
- nursery fender
- Oak
- oak and ebony decoration
- oak boards
- oak chairs
- oak door
- oak elm
- oak floorboards
- oak leaves
- oak press
- oak refectory table
- oak side table
- oak stool
- oak strip flooring
- oak table
- Oakflooring
- occassional table
- octagonal base
- octagonal lamp
- ogee bracket feet
- oil paint on canvas
- oil painting
- old
- old door
- orange
- original
- original georgian shutters
- original mirror plate
- original paint
- original upholstery
- original urn
- outdoor lighting
- over mantle
- oxmantown
- paint
- painted
- painted base
- painted dresser
- painted furniture
- painted pine
- painted pole screen
- painted table
- pair of buff terracotta urns
- pair of chairs
- pair of doors
- pair of gates
- parcel gilded moulding
- partners desk
- patina
- paving stone
- paw feet
- pedestal column
- pedestrian gate
- pembroke table
- period
- period oak furniture
- Philip Webb
- pier caps
- pierced apron
- pierced wooden table
- pig motif
- pigeon hole
- pigeon holes
- pigeonholes
- pine
- pine and gesso
- pine boards
- pine case
- pine columns
- pine door
- pine dresser
- pine kitchen table
- pine table
- pipe
- pitch
- pitch pine
- pitsawn
- pitsawn boards
- plank
- planks
- planter
- planters
- plaster capitals
- pole screen
- polished brass
- pollard oak and ebony
- portland stone
- Post
- post box
- queen anne
- queen anne style armchair
- queen annechest on stand
- radiator
- radiator feet
- rain hopper
- reclaimed
- reclaimed archway
- reclaimed balustrade
- reclaimed banister rail
- reclaimed board wall
- Reclaimed Building Materials
- reclaimed capitals
- reclaimed door
- reclaimed fire surround
- reclaimed floorboards
- reclaimed flooring
- reclaimed gate
- reclaimed gates
- reclaimed oak flooring
- reclaimed pier caps
- reclaimed plinth
- reclaimed railway sleepers
- reclaimed ridge tile
- reclaimed sandstone
- reclaimed shutters
- reclaimed sink
- reclaimed stone
- reclaimed timber
- reclaimed trough
- reclamation
- reclining armchair
- recycyled flooring
- recyle
- red sandstone
- reeded legs
- refectory table
- regency
- regency bamoo
- regency convex mirror
- regency dining chairs
- regency linen press
- regency painted pole screen
- regency pole screen
- regency sofa
- regency urn
- regency washstand
- removeable back and sides
- restaurant interior
- restored antique
- retro desk
- rhubarb forcer
- ridge tile
- rifle cabinet
- ring handles
- Robert Adam
- roman numerals
- round cupboard
- round gadrooned body
- round mirror
- rush seat
- rustic oak
- sal;vaged
- salt pig
- salvage
- salvaged
- salvaged floor
- salvaged garden
- salvaged gate
- salvaged shutters
- salvaged stone
- samuel
- samuel yellin
- Sandstone
- sandstone archway
- sandstone balls
- sandstone capitals
- sandstone pier caps
- sandstone sink
- sandstone trough
- sandstonearch
- satinwood
- saucer dish
- scalloped shell urn
- school desk
- sconce
- scottish chest of draws
- Scottish drawers configuration
- scottish mahogany
- scratch moulding
- scroll
- scroll foot
- scrub top
- scrubbed top
- sea shell
- serpentine front chest of drawers
- serving plate
- set of 4 dining chairs
- set of four
- sewing table
- shade
- shaped apron
- shell urn
- shotgun cabinet
- shutters
- side chairs
- side table
- sighthound oil painting
- signed by John Gibson
- silk upholstery
- single drawer
- sink
- slate sundial
- sleepers
- snowdon
- solid oak table
- spare leaves
- spark guard
- speckled mirror
- spindle back chairs
- splayed legs
- spring bulbs
- square form
- St Oswalds pig
- staddle
- staddle stones
- Stag
- standard lamp
- standing greyhound
- Statuary
- Statue
- steel clock face
- stick
- stickstand
- stiff leafed acanthus
- Stone
- stone archway
- stone balls
- stone capital
- stone capitals
- stone fire surround
- stone fireplace
- stone mushroom
- stone pier caps
- stone plinth
- stone ridge
- stone sphinx
- stone sundial
- stone trough
- stone urn
- stones
- stool
- storage chest
- storage jar
- strap work
- strapwork
- stretcher base
- striker
- striped arm chair
- stripped pine
- studio pottery
- style of Thomas Hope
- sunburst pattern
- Sundial
- support
- Surround
- swan neck drop handles
- swedish vase
- Switzerland
- Table
- table with draw
- Tables
- tall
- tapered legs
- taps
- tatham tazza
- taxidermy
- tea table
- Terracotta
- terracotta urns
- the frieze
- thumb latch
- ticking upholstery
- Tiles
- timber
- timber for sale
- traditional flooring
- tree guard
- tree guards
- tree seat
- trestle base
- Triton stone
- trolley
- trough
- turned legs
- tv stand
- Two drawers
- uk architectural salvage
- uk salvage
- umbrella
- Unusual & Interesting
- unusual and interesting
- unusual feet
- upcyle
- upholstered arm chair
- upholstered sofa
- upholstery project
- upholstry project
- upright
- Urn
- urn on a plinth
- urns
- vase
- verdigris
- victorian
- victorian armchair
- Victorian desk
- victorian floorboards
- victorian glazed
- victorian house
- victorian mirror#
- victorian urn
- vintage
- vintage desk
- vintage industrial
- vintage lighting
- vintage school tables
- vintage stone balls
- walnut chair
- walnut furniture
- walnut loo seat
- washstand
- water jug
- weathered cast stone
- weathered upholstery
- welsh table
- wetheriggs
- Wheel
- wheelbarrow
- wheels
- white glaze
- wide bar back
- william and mary
- william morris
- Window
- Windows
- wing back armchair
- wood
- wooden
- wooden candle sticks
- wooden chest
- wooden cow
- wooden decoy duck
- wooden ducks
- work bench
- work table
- worn gilt
- wortley
- wrought
- wrought iron
- wrought iron bench ends
- wrought iron garden bench
- wrought iron garden gate
- wrought iron gate
- wrought iron gates
- wrought iron railings
- wrs
- x-frame mahogany armchair
- yellin
- yew tree barn
- Yorkshire
- yorkstone
- yorkstone fire surround
- zig zag pattern
Our selection of reclaimed stock can be found here, Antique salvage and reclamation for items of interest to anyone with a passion for good design, sustainability and period architectural features.
Sold Out
Georgian Oak Candle / Salt box
Sold Out
Gillow Slipper Chair (Sold)
Sold Out
Faux bamboo framed mirror
Sold Out
Secessionist Porcelain Tray
Sold Out
18thC Oak Dresser Base
Sold Out
Simple oak side table
Sold Out
Large club fender
Sold Out
Silvered column table lamp
Sold Out
19thC Chippendale style stool
Sold Out
19thC Bamboo library book grab
Sold Out
Large Artists studio easel
Sold Out
Carved limestone urn
Sold Out
Primitive Bench
Sold Out
Onyx Tazza
Sold Out
5 Plated Silver Goblets (EPNS)
Sold Out
Sycamore Dairy Bowl
Sold Out
Large Brass Hall Lantern (Sold)
Sold Out
Antique Cast Iron Gates