- Latest Stock — 386
- Reclaimed Building Materials — 44
- Doors — 15
- Columns, Pillars & Stantions — 10
- Chimneypieces & Fireplaces — 15
- Flooring — 40
- Garden — 250
- Furniture — 182
- Ironmongery — 147
- Lighting — 32
- Kitchen — 45
- WIndows & Glass — 2
- Sold Archive — 205
- Bathroom & Sanitaryware — 19
- Radiators — 0
- Panelling — 0
- 1680
- 1694 oak press
- 17th century
- 17thC
- 1818 sundial
- 1880-1900
- 18th century
- 18th century table
- 18thC
- 18thC Yew Wood corner cupboard
- 19th century
- 19th century lead
- 19th century mirror
- 19th century pole screen
- 19th century table
- 20th century
- 6 columns
- 6 drawers
- A
- A pair of Regency dining chairs
- Acanthus
- Adam style
- Aesthetic movement style
- andirons
- Angel Statue
- antique
- antique andirons
- antique arm chair
- antique armchair
- antique balustrade
- antique basin
- antique bobbin chair
- antique capitals
- antique cast iron doors
- antique chair
- antique chairs
- antique clock
- antique columns
- antique decoy duck
- antique doors
- antique dresser
- antique duck
- antique fire dogs
- antique fire surround
- antique floor
- antique floorboards
- antique flooring
- antique garden
- antique garden ornament
- antique gates
- antique iron dogs
- antique lead
- antique linen press
- antique mirror
- antique pier caps
- antique plinths
- antique recliner
- antique sink
- antique slate
- antique slate sundial
- antique stone
- antique sundial
- antique table
- antique trough
- antique urn
- antique washstand
- antique wooden duck
- antique work table
- Antiques & Reclamation
- antuque planter
- Architectural
- archivist card
- armchair
- art deco
- arts
- Arts & Crafts Reclining Armchair
- arts and crafts
- arts and crafts chair
- balls
- balustrade
- bamboo furniture
- barrow columns
- barrow pillars
- basket
- Basket weave pot
- bathstone
- beaded embroidered fabric
- beaded fabric
- beaten copper
- Blue bucket
- Blue transferware
- boar motif
- board
- bobbin chair
- bone escutcheon
- braided
- brass andirons
- brass finials
- brass fire dogs
- brass handles
- breadboard ends
- breakfront linen press
- Bromsgrove guild
- bronze gnomon
- brown furniture
- building
- Building Materials
- Bullseye planter
- cafe tables
- campana
- canted square backs
- capital sundial
- carved
- carved oak
- carved oak sideboard
- carved red sandstone
- carved rosette bullseyes
- carved stone
- Cast Iron
- cast iron balustrade
- cast iron doors
- cast iron fire dogs
- cast iron letters
- cast iron pillars
- cast iron urn
- cast iron victorian
- CBDale
- chairs
- chest of drawers
- chest on stand
- chimney pieces & fireplaces
- chinese lacquered table
- chinese sewing
- chinese table
- chinese work table
- Christopher Dresser
- circa 1790
- circa 1810
- circa 1820
- circa 1870
- circle mirror
- Clare & Sons
- clivede
- cliveden vase
- cloche
- clock
- club tables
- coalbrookdale
- conical
- convex mirror
- Copper
- Corner cupboard
- court cupboard
- crafts
- dairy bowl
- Dale Co
- deco style
- decoy ducks
- desk and chair
- dining chair
- dining chairs
- dining table
- distressed paint
- dog statue
- Dough Bin (Red Painted Log Bin)
- doulton
- downspout
- drain
- dresser base
- dwarf linen press
- E.A Clare 7 Sons
- early
- early 19th century
- early 20th century
- early furniture
- early oak
- easy arm chair
- easy chair
- Elm
- English Antique Wrought Iron Fire Dogs
- english garden
- English mahogany side chairs
- extending table
- factory fittings
- faux bamboo
- faux bamboo washstand
- feather cushion
- fire dogs
- fire surround
- fireplace
- Flagstone
- flame stitch style cotton
- flat bottom
- flew
- flex
- floorboards
- Flooring
- floral decoration
- flycatcher
- for sale
- french cafe table
- French sack trolley
- frmench furniture
- furniture
- furntiure
- Garden
- garden antiques
- garden bench
- garden chairs
- garden design
- garden ornament
- garden planter
- garden plinth
- garden pot
- garden statues
- garden trough
- garden urn
- gateposts
- George Anderson
- George III period long case clock
- georgian
- georgian hob grate
- gilt mirror
- gilt pier mirror
- glass
- Godess
- gordon russell
- Gothic
- gothic bobbin chair
- gothic cast iron doors
- gothic chair
- gothic decoration
- Gothic Pier Mirror
- GR VI Black
- graffitied table
- grandfather clock
- Greek handled urn
- Greek plinth
- green leather upholstery
- green painted case
- green stripe fabric
- greenhouse]
- gun barrel turned legs
- Handyside Foundry
- Head
- hoop top gates
- Horse
- hour glass grate
- Howard or Schoolbred shape
- Hunting hound
- inlaid decoration
- iron columns
- iron fire dogs
- Ironmongery
- John Gibson of Thetford
- keystone
- kitchen dresser
- kitchen table
- klismos chair
- lacquered chinoiserie decoration
- lacquered table
- lantern
- lantern cloche
- laundry
- lead
- lead boy
- lead figure
- lead mirror
- lead statue
- leather woven seat
- lights
- Limestone slop sink
- limestone trough
- linen press
- linley
- lion
- Log bin
- Lyceum theatre
- mahogany chairs
- mahogany chest of drawers
- mahogany desk
- mahogany dining chairs
- mahogany dining table
- mahogany linen press
- mahogany pembroke table
- mahogany reclining armchair
- mahogany table
- mahognay
- Marble
- marble angel
- Marble Angel Statue
- marble flooring
- marble top
- marbled glass
- metal
- metal table
- milk
- mirror
- music stand
- neo classical
- neoclassical design
- New Stock
- oak
- oak boards
- oak press
- oak refectory table
- oak strip flooring
- oak table
- Oakflooring
- orange
- original georgian shutters
- original paint
- Ornate handled urn
- oxmantown
- painted
- painted bamboo
- painted dresser
- painted furniture
- painted pine
- Painted Pine chest of drawers
- painted pole screen
- pair of doors
- pair of gates
- partners desk
- patina
- paving stone
- pembroke table
- period
- period oak furniture
- Philip Webb
- pier caps
- pig motif
- pigeon hole
- pigeon holes
- pigeonholes
- pine
- pine and gesso
- pine boards
- pine chest
- pine columns
- pine dresser
- pine table
- pipe
- planter
- planters
- plaster capitals
- pole screen
- portland stone
- post box
- queen anne
- queen annechest on stand
- rain hopper
- reclaimed
- reclaimed balustrade
- reclaimed banister rail
- Reclaimed Building Materials
- reclaimed capitals
- reclaimed fire surround
- reclaimed floorboards
- reclaimed gates
- reclaimed oak flooring
- reclaimed pier caps
- reclaimed plinth
- reclaimed ridge tile
- reclaimed sandstone
- reclaimed shutters
- reclaimed sink
- reclaimed trough
- reclamation
- reclining armchair
- red sandstone
- refectory table
- regency
- regency bamoo
- regency convex mirror
- regency dining chairs
- regency linen press
- regency painted pole screen
- regency pole screen
- Regency Rosewood tea caddy
- Regency Tea caddy
- regency urn
- regency washstand
- retro desk
- ridge tile
- Robert Adam
- roman numerals
- round mirror
- sack trolley
- sal;vaged
- salvage
- salvaged
- salvaged garden
- salvaged shutters
- salvaged stone
- sandstone
- sandstone capitals
- sandstone pier caps
- sandstone sink
- Sandstone slop sink with plug hole
- sandstone trough
- sandstonearch
- school desk
- scorched bamboo
- scottish chest of draws
- Scottish drawers configuration
- scottish mahogany
- scroll
- scrub top
- set of 4 dining chairs
- set of four
- sewing table
- shade
- shutters
- side chairs
- signage
- signed by John Gibson
- sink
- slate sundial
- snowdon
- solid oak table
- spare leaves
- spring bulbs
- square form
- St Oswalds pig
- stacking chair
- staddle
- staddle stones
- Statuary
- steel clock face
- stick
- stickstand
- stiff leafed acanthus
- Stone
- stone capital
- stone capitals
- stone fire surround
- stone mushroom
- stone pier caps
- stone plinth
- stone ridge
- stone sphinx
- stone sundial
- stone trough
- stone urn
- stones
- strap work
- stretcher base
- striped arm chair
- style of Thomas Hope
- sunburst pattern
- sundial
- Table
- table with draw
- tapered legs
- tea caddy
- Terracotta
- the frieze
- timber
- tree guard
- tree guards
- tree seat
- trestle base
- trolley
- trough
- Tuglift Platform trolley
- turned legs
- uk architectural salvage
- uk salvage
- umbrella
- upholstered arm chair
- upholstry project
- urn
- urn on a plinth
- urns
- Urns & Planters
- vase
- verdigris
- victorian
- Victorian desk
- victorian floorboards
- victorian urn
- vintage
- vintage desk
- vintage industrial
- vintage school tables
- walnut chair
- walnut furniture
- weathered cast stone
- wheelbarrow
- wide bar back
- william and mary
- wood
- wooden
- wooden decoy duck
- wooden ducks
- work bench
- work table
- wrought
- wrought iron
- wrought iron gates
- wrought iron railings
- yorkstone
- zig zag pattern
- Zinc top table
- Zinc Top work table with tapered legs
All the latest stock will be found here.
Sold Out
Red sandstone ridge tile
Sold Out
Gothic Pier Mirror (Sold)
Sold Out
Antique easy arm chair (Sold)
Sold Out
SOLD Capital Sundial